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  • kustomization.yaml の例

kustomization.yaml の例

以下のファイルは kustomize プログラムが提供するカスタマイズを宣言しています。

カスタマイズは custom の定義からわかるとおり、このファイルからコピーされるべき、またはお勧めのデフォルト値がありません。

実用上は、値のないフィールドは単に kustomization.yaml から省略すれば十分です。構成のレビューで見えるコンテンツを減らすために。

例は kustomize repo からのコピーです。

# ----------------------------------------------------
# apiVersion and kind of Kustomization
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization

# Adds namespace to all resources.
namespace: my-namespace

# Value of this field is prepended to the
# names of all resources, e.g. a deployment named
# "wordpress" becomes "alices-wordpress".
namePrefix: alices-

# Value of this field is appended to the
# names of all resources, e.g. a deployment named
# "wordpress" becomes "wordpress-v2".
# The suffix is appended before content hash
# if resource type is ConfigMap or Secret.
nameSuffix: -v2

# Labels to add to all resources and selectors.
  someName: someValue
  owner: alice
  app: bingo

# Annotations (non-identifying metadata)
# to add to all resources.  Like labels,
# these are key value pairs.
  oncallPager: 800-555-1212

# Each entry in this list must resolve to an existing
# resource definition in YAML.  These are the resource
# files that kustomize reads, modifies and emits as a
# YAML string, with resources separated by document
# markers ("---").
- some-service.yaml
- sub-dir/some-deployment.yaml

# Each entry in this list results in the creation of
# one ConfigMap resource (it's a generator of n maps).
# The example below creates two ConfigMaps. One with the
# names and contents of the given files, the other with
# key/value as data.
# Each configMapGenerator item accepts a parameter of
# behavior: [create|replace|merge]. This allows an overlay to modify or
# replace an existing configMap from the parent.
- name: my-java-server-props
  - application.properties
  - more.properties
- name: my-java-server-env-vars
  - JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk
  - JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-agentlib:hprof

# Each entry in this list results in the creation of
# one Secret resource (it's a generator of n secrets).
- name: app-tls
    - secret/tls.cert
    - secret/tls.key
  type: "kubernetes.io/tls"
- name: app-tls-namespaced
  # you can define a namespace to generate secret in, defaults to: "default"
  namespace: apps
    - tls.crt=catsecret/tls.cert
    - tls.key=secret/tls.key
  type: "kubernetes.io/tls"
- name: env_file_secret
  # env is a path to a file to read lines of key=val
  # you can only specify one env file per secret.
  env: env.txt
  type: Opaque

# generatorOptions modify behavior of all ConfigMap and Secret generators
  # labels to add to all generated resources
    kustomize.generated.resources: somevalue
  # annotations to add to all generated resources
    kustomize.generated.resource: somevalue
  # disableNameSuffixHash is true disables the default behavior of adding a
  # suffix to the names of generated resources that is a hash of
  # the resource contents.
  disableNameSuffixHash: true

# Each entry in this list should resolve to a directory
# containing a kustomization file, else the
# customization fails.
# The entry could be a relative path pointing to a local directory
# or a url pointing to a directory in a remote repo.
# The url should follow hashicorp/go-getter URL format
# https://github.com/hashicorp/go-getter#url-format
# The presence of this field means this file (the file
# you a reading) is an _overlay_ that further
# customizes information coming from these _bases_.
# Typical use case: a dev, staging and production
# environment that are mostly identical but differing
# crucial ways (image tags, a few server arguments,
# etc. that differ from the common base).
- ../../base
- github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/examples/multibases?ref=v1.0.6
- github.com/Liujingfang1/mysql
- github.com/Liujingfang1/kustomize/examples/helloWorld?ref=test-branch

# Each entry in this list should resolve to
# a partial or complete resource definition file.
# The names in these (possibly partial) resource files
# must match names already loaded via the `resources`
# field or via `resources` loaded transitively via the
# `bases` entries.  These entries are used to _patch_
# (modify) the known resources.
# Small patches that do one thing are best, e.g. modify
# a memory request/limit, change an env var in a
# ConfigMap, etc.  Small patches are easy to review and
# easy to mix together in overlays.
- service_port_8888.yaml
- deployment_increase_replicas.yaml
- deployment_increase_memory.yaml

# Each entry in this list should resolve to
# a kubernetes object and a JSON patch that will be applied
# to the object.
# The JSON patch is documented at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902
# target field points to a kubernetes object within the same kustomization
# by the object's group, version, kind, name and namespace.
# path field is a relative file path of a JSON patch file.
# The content in this patch file can be either in JSON format as
#  [
#    {"op": "add", "path": "/some/new/path", "value": "value"},
#    {"op": "replace", "path": "/some/existing/path", "value": "new value"}
#  ]
# or in YAML format as
# - op: add
#   path: /some/new/path
#   value: value
# - op:replace
#   path: /some/existing/path
#   value: new value
- target:
    version: v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: my-deployment
  path: add_init_container.yaml
- target:
    version: v1
    kind: Service
    name: my-service
  path: add_service_annotation.yaml

# Each entry in this list should be a relative path to
# a file for custom resource definition(CRD) in openAPI definition.
# The presence of this field is to allow kustomize be
# aware of CRDs and apply proper
# transformation for any objects in those types.
# Typical use case: A CRD object refers to a ConfigMap object.
# In kustomization, the ConfigMap object name may change by adding namePrefix, nameSuffix, or hashing
# The name reference for this ConfigMap object in CRD object need to be
# updated with namePrefix, nameSuffix, or hashing in the same way.
# The annotations can be put into openAPI definitions are:
#   "x-kubernetes-annotation": ""
#   "x-kubernetes-label-selector": ""
#   "x-kubernetes-identity": ""
#   "x-kubernetes-object-ref-api-version": "v1",
#   "x-kubernetes-object-ref-kind": "Secret",
#   "x-kubernetes-object-ref-name-key": "name",
- crds/typeA.json
- crds/typeB.json

# Vars are used to capture text from one resource's field
# and insert that text elsewhere.
# For example, suppose someone specifies the name of a k8s Service
# object in a container's command line, and the name of a
# k8s Secret object in a container's environment variable,
# so that the following would work:
#   containers:
#     - image: myimage
#       command: ["start", "--host", "$(MY_SERVICE_NAME)"]
#       env:
#         - name: SECRET_TOKEN
#           value: $(SOME_SECRET_NAME)
# To do so, add an entry to `vars:` as follows:
      kind: Secret
      name: my-secret
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
      name: my-service
      apiVersion: v1
      fieldpath: metadata.name
      kind: Deployment
      name: my-deployment
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      fieldpath: spec.template.spec.restartPolicy
# A var is a tuple of variable name, object reference and field
# reference within that object.  That's where the text is found.
# The field reference is optional; it defaults to `metadata.name`,
# a normal default, since kustomize is used to generate or
# modify the names of resources.
# At time of writing, only string type fields are supported.
# No ints, bools, arrays etc.  It's not possible to, say,
# extract the name of the image in container number 2 of
# some pod template.
# A variable reference, i.e. the string '$(FOO)', can only
# be placed in particular fields of particular objects as
# specified by kustomize's configuration data.
# The default config data for vars is at
# https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/pkg/transformers/config/defaultconfig/varreference.go
# Long story short, the default targets are all
# container command args and env value fields.
# Vars should _not_ be used for inserting names in places
# where kustomize is already handling that job.  E.g.,
# a Deployment may reference a ConfigMap by name, and
# if kustomize changes the name of a ConfigMap, it knows
# to change the name reference in the Deployment.

# Images modify the name, tags and/or digest for images without creating patches.
# E.g. Given this kubernetes Deployment fragment:
#  containers:
#    - name: mypostgresdb
#      image: postgres:8
#    - name: nginxapp
#      image: nginx:1.7.9
#    - name: myapp
#      image: my-demo-app:latest
#    - name: alpine-app
#      image: alpine:3.7
# one can change the `image` in the following ways:
# - `postgres:8` to `my-registry/my-postgres:v1`,
# - nginx tag `1.7.9` to `1.8.0`,
# - image name `my-demo-app` to `my-app`,
# - alpine's tag `3.7` to a digest value
# all with the following *kustomization*:
  - name: postgres
    newName: my-registry/my-postgres
    newTag: v1
  - name: nginx
    newTag: 1.8.0
  - name: my-demo-app
    newName: my-app
  - name: alpine
    digest: sha256:24a0c4b4a4c0eb97a1aabb8e29f18e917d05abfe1b7a7c07857230879ce7d3d3

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